Wednesday, December 26, 2007


Yes...finally i have added some elements of interest to this even if theres no blog to enjoy..its still useful.

NOW the inevitable...

Was i out of my mind?!Actually its because m very much in my mind!
To some this picture might evoke erotic thoughts (what can i say..a female body IS erotic)
But theres more to this picture...
I think I can relate this picture to a woman...and her dreams...
I have tried to read this lady's face..and her emotions..
what can she be feeling? It sometimes looks like she is being indifferent. As if she just doesn't care if people are looking at her...maybe its very natural to her to be this way.

Well i can go on and on about this picture, without reaching to any conclusion at all. Thats not the reason i have put up this pic..
i wanted to know what others might feel on this regard.(specially women...cause i can guess what men might feel! lol)
It will be very interesting to know various point of views .
I am sure each comment will be unique in itself and add to the gravity of the issue.
So feel free to give your opinion(through the shout box OR as regular comments) as to what and why this lady in the picture might be feeling and what does this picture really signify? You can also comment on the style of art etc.Theres no ONE' answer to this.

well thats it for now.
hope this keeps you people occupied till the next update!

ciao! SIN^_^


azizi1989 said...

this girl is good hot. c is thinking and waiting for me as i am infront of her

Dylan said...

Okay, first and foremost, don't underestimate men like that. >_<

Just because that lady is topless.. or rather.. naked.. does mean we go crazy..

That pic is really very nice, in an artistic sense. The girl looks as if shes deep in thought, not bothered about whats happening around her. She looks calm.

Mihir Pathare said...

That girl's prolly thinking about getting back home in time to catch the late night movie with a couple of cans of beer and popcorn.

Acira_SIN said...

yea u are right dylan...well i was speaking of the majority..which doesn't include you and many other guys...
and i really am impressed by your thoughts about the picture...

and as for you azfar...i guess i was rigt about "YOU kinda guys ^_^"

Ranko said...

lookies emo to me (:

Samadrita said...

That's clearly an angel!How can anyone have perverted thoughts about her?If someone does..well..they are surely going to end up in hell soon enough!
I think the picture depicts a beautiful woman(if she isn't an angel) rather than a naked woman.It doesn't matter whether she has clothes on or not.Her beauty is ethereal,eternal and unsullied.


Magical me!