Sunday, December 30, 2007

Looking back ( <_< )

Another year has come to an end . . . pushing me a step closer to my inevitable . . .

Having finished reading another chapter in The Book Of Life, I still don't anticipate the conclusion though...the story so far had been interesting, and educational as well (^_^). However, at this moment the story is going through a dull phase, and I don't feel the excitement.. I have always believed that a true reader will always try to hold on to the earlier pages of a book...and The Book of Life is no exception.

Therefore I take this time to 'Look back' into 2007, before bidding it farewell... Let me see how much of it still holds a place in my mind. It is an efficient way to measure the moments one has lived through. Lets see if I have lived enough...

But sorry friends,I cannot share these reflections with you as my scribblings wont make any sense. It is impossible to represent fragments of my life in a page (or web page -_-) without delving deep into my innermost secrets.

That will be so strange...sometimes I wonder how little you know of me...




Mihir Pathare said...

Oh I don't think anyone can know what someone else is like, no matter how much you tell them about yourself... The very fact that the other person does not have the benefit of your experiences means that he/she will never appreciate life the way you do, and vice-versa.

Acira_SIN said...

yea its true..but we still like blogs..we do take interest in how another person's mind works etc..
that is why blogs are read...
though they might not know the person...they have their own way to interpret the blog...

Life isn't just about what you learn. said...

im not agree wid that


Magical me!